5 Must Have Apps For Wearable Android Devices

A few years before, wearable devices were introduced as health and fitness monitoring bands. The introduction of Smart watches took that technology to the next level and brought plenty of features to the wearable devices. All the leading Smartphone manufacturers, Apple, Samsung, Motorola, LG, etc., have their own Smartwatch now and many other companies are working with their own Smart watches. Since, Apple watch is going to be released in early 2015, as of now we have only Android Smart watches in the market. In  a very short period of time, Android Smart Watches have many useful apps on the Play Store. I’ve handpicked some of the best apps in that and listed below.

Wear Messenger

Instant Messengers are one of the most used applications in a Smartphone. The new app called “Wear Messenger” will let you respond to those messages from your Smartwatch. By default the app supports Gmail and Google Hangouts. It supports both text and voice typing. The Minnum Keyboard shown in the screenshot has to be downloaded separately. If you are familiar about “My Messaging Bridge”, you can connect WhatsApp and KIK Messengers to your wearable device.



One of the coolest features in a Smartwatch is the “Custom Dials” option. All the Smart watches in the market comes with their own set of Custom Dials by default. If you’d like to add more dials to your Smartwatch, then you can try “Facer” on your device. Facer is a premium app, which comes with a beautiful set of dials for different types of Smart watches. It works with both round and square faced Smart Watches and you can choose the dials from your Android device. Also, the custom watch engine in the app will save your Smartwatch’s battery life.

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Look Behind

Look Behind is a very useful tool for all the Smartwatch users. It connects your Smartphone’s camera and bring the live view to your Smartwatch’s screen. This feature will come handy in many situations. If you have a place where your hand cannot search things, you can use your Smartphone to search with the help of this application. You can turn on/off the flash on the connected device right from your Smartwatch. Also, it will be much easier to see a person or an object behind you using the application.

Calc Wear

Most of the Smart watches will not have a calculator application by default. Calc Wear for Android, brings a simple and efficient calculator app to your Smart watch. Calc wear is the optimized version of popular Calc+ app for Android. Similar to other Calculator apps, it has multiple modes for different problems. Apart from the basic math operations, you can work with Matrix, Equations and all types of Conversions in your Smartwatch. Also, the next update will bring the Graphical, Mechanical and Statistical Calculator to the application.

calc wear


Lockable is a security application for your Android wear. It enables Swipe, PIN and Pattern locks on your Smartwatch. Since Smartwatch contains an equal amount of information as your Smartphone, it is important to protect the device from prying eyes. Lockable is compatible with both round and square faced watches. As of now, the free version contains only the Swipe gesture lock. If you would like to add the PIN or Pattern protection to your device, you’ve to purchase the Pro Version. All the Settings, PIN and Patterns can be enabled and modified from your Android device.


Since all the Smart watches are new to the market, there will be some rough edges on both the apps and the device. So, try any number of free apps you need, but purchase only the necessary premium apps. Thanks for reading, please share your views about the apps in the comment section below. Also, feel free to share this post with your friends.

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