How to Downgrade iPod Touch 3G/2G 3.1.3 to 3.1.2 OS

iPod Touch

Once you have mistakenly upgraded to un-jailbreakable iPhone & iPod Touch firmware version your headache starts. Recently released iPhone OS 3.1.3 Baseband 05.12.01 is yet to be jailbroken and unlocked but iPhone Dev team’s PwnageTool 3.1.5 is available for download to upgrade your iPhone & iPod Touch to OS 3.1.3 without upgrading baseband there by retaining capability to jailbreak & unlock.

We have also covered how to Unlock iPhone OS 3.1.3 using Ultrasn0w also how to downgrade iPhone 3.1.3 to 3.1.2 for iPhone 3G using Fuzzyband. Now those iPod Touch 3G users stuck with OS 3.1.3 here is complete step by step working guide to downgrade iPod Touch 3G 3.1.3 to 3.1.2.

How to Downgrade iPod Touch 3.1.3 to 3.1.2 OS

1. Download Original iPod Touch 3.1.2 IPSW file

Check in below location on Windows (C:/Users{your windows user name}/AppData/Roaming/Apple Computer/iTunes/iPod Software Updates)

2. Make sure that your iPod Touch 3G is not connected to the PC/Mac

3. Now Power Off Your iPod Touch 3G

4. Now hold the home button. Keep holding it for 10 seconds and then connect your iPod touch to PC/Mac while holding the Home button.

5. If you see the “Connect to iTunes” message on your iPod touch then it means you are now in recovery mode:

6. Once in recovery mode. Click on iPod Touch Device on iTunes Sidebar and press Shift + Click on restore button will be prompted open firmware location. Give it the locations where your firmware 3.1.2 is located and click OK.

RELATED:  iPhone Firmware 2.2.1 and iPod Touch Firmware 2.2.1 Released

After you see iTunes message of restoration successful you are back to firmware 3.1.2 and can jailbreak once again.

Source: Programmingkid



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158 thoughts on “How to Downgrade iPod Touch 3G/2G 3.1.3 to 3.1.2 OS”

  1. whenever I try to restore my Ipod when I hold shift and click restore, select the firmware it tells me that it cannot restore because the firmware file is not compatible. I updated my Ipod to 3.1.3 because I heard that there was a jailbreak for it called redsn0w 0.9.4 but its fake! help please help me downgrade my Ipod

  2. even i have the same problem i cant downgrade my firm ware whnevr i press restore n click on the 3.1.2 firmware it shows the firmware is not compatible can u please help i badly need my 3.1.2 firmware back pls pls pls

  3. Same thing happened with me, it always notifies says that ” this file is not compatible” I updated it by accident, and now i’m stuck.

  4. Hey guys, I’ve been looking on youtube and I have the same problem as all of you guys do , but I’ve done my research and I think it’s because we need to upgrade our iTunes so it can register the firmware NOTE: I have ipod Touch 3G 3.1.3 MC model . Hope this helps.

  5. Hey If your getting the error you more than likley need the latest itunes Cause i had to upgrade to downgrare my ipod touch 3g

  6. the reason why this is not working for those of you with itouchs is becuase the firmware link above is for an iphone. if you google itouch firmware and download the one for you generation and then follow this process it will work.

    hope this helps

  7. ive tried 3 different firmwares, none of them are compatible. im renaming them to the ipsw files and everything… nothings working. anyone got suggestions?

  8. Guys try
    This site gives you all Gen Firmware. iPhone/iPod Touch and all Firmwares you need

    I’m Downloading it atm

  9. plz help i need to downgrade my ipod aswell my little brother fucked it up and now i need to downgrade…tanner u said it worked for you can you help

  10. I tried using Shift-click, and it didn’t work. So i tried option-click. It opened a new window that was titled “open” so I guess that worked. The link you put in step one is for the iphone 3.1.2 firmware, is it the same thing?

  11. You have to edit the “host” file so that instead of calling home ( it just loops and calls your local computer(

    The reason for this is because iTunes is calling back to apple to check and make sure the update is legit and apple is telling iTunes not to allow the downgrade (thanks apple) You can search Google for how to do it, its pretty straight forward and simple.

    Hope This helps!

  12. trbled ipod 3g user

    Hi edited the host file too, downloaded the iPod3,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw file from the correct location, but still I’m getting the non compatible error

  13. editing the host file still doesn’t work. anyways, the tutorial still doesn’t say what to change the host file to read, but that you have to change it.

  14. adding the to the hosts file didn’t work. When I try to restore I get an error message saying iTunes could not restore because apple servers could not be reached

  15. I downloaded the “iPhone1,2_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw” Zip file, which took a 242 megabyte mega bite out of my download limit and I extracted its contents – but I can’t find any ipsw files in it. My iTouch in recovery, I hold shift and click restore in iTunes and everything and I go to the extracted folder but it says “no items matched your search”. There’s just a bunch of unknown files including three with the extension “dmg” which appear to be nothing yet are many MBs in size.

    What the hell am I doing wrong?

    I have a 3rd Gen iTouch with 3.1.3 firmware and I’m trying to downgrade to 3.1.2. As far as I can tell I’m doing everything this tutorial says properly, but the IPSW file I seemingly used hundreds of MBs downloading is nowhere to be found. I’m pissed off because I’ve used up a lot of my bandwidth on this.

    Face it guys, Apple won. Just wait for some new jailbreaking updates.

  17. Hey Guys I had the same problem when it said that the firmware was not supported. But you’re in luck if you have a 3g 8gb ipod. if so at that site where you download the firmwares dont get the 3g 3.1.2 firmware. Get the 2g 3.1.2 it works somehow!

  18. well hurray for you it still wont work for me i hate apple. the only thing they have made that is good is the itouch and iphone but they had to go. it wont make a difference someone will find out how to jailbreak 3.1.3 and then they do it again and make 3.1.4 and til happen again its just a cycle they should give up.

  19. Hmm. It seems that 3g iPod touches that are 8GB seem to be working for people. My 32GB 3g still won’t work.

  20. 8GB works because its just an ipod 2g thats why its cheap still. If it had real 3g part it would have cost more. So really no one is downgrading any 3g’s yet. Just 2009 2gs.

  21. Ok Guys,

    i am about to flip over here! I have been at this for 4 hours straight and still I am getting error messages that the firmware is not compatable. Ok..I downloaded 2 firmwares for my Ipod Touch 2nd gen 32 gb. I downloaded the 3.1.2 as well as the 3.0 firmware. I followed the directions form the youtube video and everything but each one (and yes the firmware is for the ipod touch not iphone) I am still not able to restore. What gives?!?!?

  22. Say….I got it to work man!!! I now run 3.1.2 on my “jailbroke” ipod touch 2nd gen!!!. The video is right!! just follow the instructions and make sure you have the right firmware!! Good luck….damn i’m good.

  23. Ok i tried every single program, downgraded fails with any ipws files and still no jailbreak for me. I though i would only work with 3g 8gb version but i realized that my friend got it and its a 32 gb 3g mc model iTouch. What is the problem… Why won’T apple accept the downgrades?

    Any help would be usefull

  24. I downgraded my 8gb ipod touch using the 2g 3.1.2 although it constantly crashes into recovery mode, I woinder if that is the cause

  25. Say Guys….

    I am not really sure why you are still having problems…for thatI am sorry. But, again I followed the video that was made back in the comments on Mar. 10th and I made sure that I downloaded the correct firmware, and it worked. Belive me you can see were I commented on Mar. 7th and i was having problems….Because I was using iphone firmware instead of ipod firmware. Agian I just followed the video and went from there….good luck.

  26. ok i have posted this problem on about 17 websites and from all the replies i got kk YOU CANT DOWNGRADE A IPODTOUCH 3G MCMODEL 32G OK YOU CANT . APPLE HAVE STOPPED PEOPLE FROM DOWNGADING BECAUSE THE COPED ON THAT PEOPLE WERE DOING IT SO THAT THEY COULD JAILBRAKE IT . it works with 2g and the very odd time 3g mcmodel 8g. OK trust me i have spent about 34 hours in 1 week trying to find the solution . i got a detention in school for not having my homework done properly or at all so trust me and dont waste your time on this just be patient and wait till april.

  27. I was able to downgrade my touch 3G 32G from the 3.1.3 to 3.1.2 and rejailbreak with no problem at all. The only thing that was weird is that it didn’t require me to use the irecovery or the libUSB files and I am wondering if anyone knows why?

  28. Hey I have a quick question. Those of you who have the 8GB ipod touch (3rd generation) and downgraded from 3.1.3 to 3.1.2, then used blackrain probably to jailbreak it, does it become a tethered jailbreak like it does when you use blackrain on the touch out of the box at 3.1.2, or does it become untethered. If it becomes untethered, I am going to change my 3g 3.1.2 firmware to 2g 3.1.2 nowww. Thanks!!!

  29. I have a 32gb Ipod Touch and have tried everything to downgrade with no joy,please tell me or post a link to intructions .. i’ll be your slave for a week :)

  30. Can anyone tell me how to downgrade the 3.1.3 firmware to 3.1.2 i have tried every method , host files etc ..

    Thanks in Advance

  31. Shaun,

    Go back up to my post on or around the 16th of this month and look over the info. Follow it to a Tee and it will work!!


    Slavery is over…now we are all free!! :)

  32. Shaun,

    Go back and look at my post on the 16th of March and follow it to the Tee. Make sure you look at the youtube video to. The kid knows his stuff. It will work.

    Alot of miss information is around because some people have a Iphone and they are sending people to firmware links to the iphone NOT the ipod touch. Just make sure you have the correct firmware and again follow the video and trust me it will work.

  33. @ Roger i have followed it to a ‘T’ buddy but it will not work, im pulling whats left of my hair out … lol,thanks for replying Roger.

  34. Are you sure? Now I have a 2nd Gen 32gb and I had the same problem. I hate to sound like a broken record, but did you download the right firmware? Just make suer it says ipod not iphone. Man I’m sorry your having problems. Your lucky…you have hair…I’m BALD?

    Say try to see if you can IM the guy on the video I’m sure he would give you some more advice. It’s a kid but he knows what he was talking about. Good Luck.

    If I see something I’ll post back.

  35. Thanks for the reply Roger,I have the 32g 3rd gen one not the 2g,thanks for trying to help though much appriciated :).

  36. Yeah..sorry about that. I should have said the type that I had. Again if I here something I’ll post something. Good Luck.

  37. for mikhail

    u should check first ur IPOD version
    becaz if u will download wrong ipsw file for ur ipod
    it will be useless
    try to confirm which model u hav
    thn download that.
    e.g. if u hav 2g and u will download 3g file, it will definetly not work

    becaz such thing happened with me once

  38. Hey guys I got mine to work
    I got my ipod touch 32gb 3g to downgrade Thanks Alot
    Here’s what you do

    1. Go to felixbruns and download the iPod3,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore for 3g
    2. Edit the host file as shown above in the video
    3. Restore your ipod completely to factory settings by deleting all apps and music, videos , settings (like when you just got it)- This helps for some reason I realy don’t know but this is how I got mine to work
    4. Finally follow instructions from this post above.

    Comment if you have problems
    Going to install some apps now on my new jail broken ipod touch 3g 32g!!!! Yipppeee

  39. How to Downgrade Ipod Touch 3G 3.1.3 to 3.1.2

    Step 1: Goto “” and download the Ipod Touch 2g 3.1.2 firmware,

    Step 2: Place your ipod into recovery mode by simply powering off your iopd and then press and hold the home button for 10 seconds and plug into the computer.

    Step 3:Goto itunes and hold shift while u press restore.

    Step 4:Then select the ipsw u have downloaded. The restore should begin.

    Step 5 : you can now jailbreak.(download blackra1n jailbreak method from


  40. hey Drew/Anyone if you download .ispw it may automatically convert it to .zip. All you have to do is change the extension back to .ispw.


    I got an ipod touch 3G (64gb) the other day with firmware 3.1.3 preinstalled on it.

    I was just wondering… why would you get the Ipod Touch 2g 3.1.2 firmware if you OWN an ipod touch 3G?

    so which firmware restore should I be getting exactly?

  42. i think that there all fake but b1ackra1n… but it doesnt work for the 3g i down loaded the redsn0w but i dint think i should use it cuz i dont wanna mess up my ipod..but i alos have the same propblem! help =(

  43. Jailbreakmyitouch

    Guys, there must be a way to downgrade my 3g 32gb mc model itouch. 5 days of endless searching, and I keep findidng crap that no longer works. It’s impossible that apple made a rock solid way of ANTI-downgrading although it looks like it…

  44. ok. listen please people stop putting new comments on this forum you may think that your comments say somethin but they dont here. the same over and over again . some people who arre realy realy lucky can downgrade it but for most of you 3gen 32gb users you cant so stop saying please help just wait for the next apple update because thats when dev team are releasing there new jailbrake for 3.1.3 and possibly it would work with 3.1.4 . so just be patient. at the start of this downgrading problem i spent about 32 hours in 1 week tryin to find out but you cant.

  45. You have to get iPod touch 2g 3.1.2 ipsw file using firefox in felixsbruns website and put your iPod in dfu mode not recovery also remember to edit the hosts file choose your ipsw and see if that does it

  46. it is now called crapple. apples server now signs out the firmware. if u upgraded to 3.1.3. you are screwed. there is virtually no way through this. u can try like i have been, but i will give every one that trys. a 2% chance of getting to 3.1.2. but still have fun trying

  47. I keep getting a message saying my iPod is not eligible! and I have the newest iTunes as well.

  48. i have download it and on itunes my ipod is in dfu mode and i hit shift and restore and i cant find the file what do i do and what is a site that works

  49. If I buy the Ipod Touch 3g 32 today, will it come with the 3.1.2 or already with the 3.1.3?

  50. Okay like the post Written By Chad Downing go to and watch the video. Go into your host file and add the line he tells you too. Once done you don’t even have to put iPod in recovery mode. Simply connect to iTunes and hold shift/option and select restore. Now select YOUR firmware (I can’t stress this enough) and click okay. Be pataint and it will downgrade. I have a iPod Touch 3G 64GB and it worked first go.

  51. @G00gle

    did your ipod have 3.1.3 preinstalled on it when purchased? If so, I think there is no way to downgrade whatsoever.

  52. @PHIL
    Hey sorry I guess I should have stated that. It came withe 3.1.2. Even if it is pre-installed it should still work i used the iPod Touch 3G (3.1.2/7D11) from (will take about 10 or 15 minutes to DL). I then opened notepad as admin (right click) and opened C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. Once file is opne on first line under last pound sign (#) type and click save. Once done i shift/clicked the restore button and it went. Can’t come up with anything they could do to a new 3.1.3 that they can’t do during the update.

  53. There is no downgrade to this anymore, apple isn’t signing them off, I myself have tried to downgrade a bunch of times, now the only two ways of jailbteaking is to recode your iPod, which is a hassle, or be patient and wait for goerge hotz to make the new untethered jailbreak, just be patient, it’s coming, until then, I just check once every week, sOoner or later I will find it >.<

  54. Evoryboy sorry for my bad english
    I did this i had the same problem with my ipod touch 2g MB model ; Download from felixbruns your firmware 3.0
    that is working then you download 3.1.2 then its working
    but i dont use 3.1.2 because it keeps stuck by jailbreaken now i’m on 3.0 firmware and I used Redsnow ( the same firmware 3.0 (7A341) im sure this wil work , try it

  55. This did work indeed just as described. 4/6/10


    Apple states that the itouch 8gb model is a 3G model but it is not–false advertising–why not–one more nasty thing they do.

    Therefore the only firmware that will work for the restore is the 2g 3.1.2 just as others have stated.

    When you get the firmware from the site mentioned, follow the directions provided carefully and it will work–I just finished restoring mine.



  56. If I restore my iPod touch 3g 3.1.3 (7E18) to factory settings, will it restore the firmware to 3.1.2?

  57. guys, the .ipsw mentioned here isn’t compatible. not all of them are. just try downloading from every frikin site you see, it works! (for me atleast)

  58. OK GUYS WE NEED TO FIND A WAY TO DOWNGRADE 32GB IPOD TOUCH 3G CAUSE MY BROTHER WORKS REALY HIGH UP IN THE APPLE COMPANY ANDHE SAID THAT THEY HAVE COME UP WITH AN IDEA TO STOP PEOPLE JAILBRAKING EVER AGAIN . so we need to hurry and find a way to downgrade and kailbrake if we want to and then never update or do wat apple wants again

  59. Yo guys, i got an Ipod 3g(according to apple, it seems to be 2g tho)(MC model) 8gb with 3.1.3 firmware. Since there is no jailbreaking avaible for this i tried to downgrade, downloaded the 2g 3.1.2 firmware from, changed the host file, but when i did shift+restore thing, it behaved normallly, until the end when it said unknown error(28). Anyone knows what i can do?

  60. OMG PEOPLE, what don’t you get about it works on 32GB and 64GB 3G iPod Touch. If you change the file like the video says to do and then DL the “CORRECT” firmware not 3G for 2G like some have suggested. I can not stress this enough people if you own 2G DL, FW- 2G(3.1.2/7D11) or if your own a 3G DL, FW- 3G(3.1.2/7D11, use this site for your FW Now the rest is up to you to make sure you have done right. Follow the video here to alter your host file. Remember to alter host file as that is what tells iTunes to verify the FW even though Apple would normally deny it. With out the host file being opened in NotePad as Administrator you can not save the changes to the file. Once the changes have been made only then open iTunes hold shift/option and then click on restore, choose FW- 3.1.2 and select okay. Trust me it works. If I have to I will post video of me updating through iTunes to 3.1.3 and then show myself downgrading it back to 3.1.2. All the info is already on this site to do it, but if that is not good enough then I guess I will eventually do a damn video.

  61. guys. .i have itouch 32gb just bought last week. and its already in 3.1.3 and its a 3rd gen and mc model. can i downgrade it? so i can jailbreak it? please reply. tnx

  62. Hey guys, i need help. my cousin was having trouble with his jailbroken ipod and asked me to fix it, and when i was erasing all of his data, i forgot to remove the jailbroken stuff (blackrain cydia ect..) and half way through deleting all data and content his ipod shut off and went into recover mode and now blackrain freezes when i use it (on the ipod it freezes) and im worried that it’s stuck in recovery mode, if anyone can give me some help i need it. (for one on one, contact my email “[email protected]” thanks.

  63. okay here is the thing i get an unknown error (28) i went to apples site it says that this is an error probally caused by apple not signing the 3.1.2 firmwares any more.

    by the way i have an ipod touch 3g 8gb mc model(i know this isnt a real 3g model wat eva)

    this thing only works on 32 an 64 u can jailbreak with blackra1n if u have 32 or 64 so y do u want to downgrade
    its just tethered

  64. Okay all you people who are flipping out stop it. It isn’t that this “doesn’t work” it’s because you dumb f$cks are using the wrong firmware! You are probably trying to get 3.1.2 iPhone firmware when you have an iPod! This does work 100% if you just use the right stuff! You can download any firmware you need here make sure you are downloading firmware for what you have (iPod firmware for iPod, iPhone firmware for iPhone ect….)

  65. ok so before I proceed with the above method…Will this downgrade if my ipod (64gb) came with firmware version 3.1.3 pre-installed on it?

  66. I have a 3G 8GB iPod and just letting everyone know (cause I’m so excited) that, I DIT IT!!!!! YES YES YES!!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO HELPED ME!!! HA HA APPLE!! YEAH THATS RIGHT APPLE!! CANT TOUCH THIS!! JK. I’M JUST EXTREMELY EXCITED!!

  67. Can someone tell me how to downgrade my iPod touch from3.1.3 to 3.1.2? It’s 64GB.. Will it work If I Downgrade it on iTunes ? Really need ur answer! Thanks

  68. @stephen and colin
    Dude, the Ipod touch and the Iphone firmware is exactly the same. The site you linked lists them as the same(Ipod touch/Iphone/Ipad firmware). That is not the problem.

  69. I almost tried all the youtube solutions to downgrade my 2G 8gb MC model from 3.1.3 to 3.1.2. but, I alway got an unknown error (28). I am so desparate!!!

  70. @EDGE
    No, No, No read my postget the FW for your exact product. I.E. 2G, 3G, 8GB, 64GB, iPod, iPhone. I know people are trying to say iPod or iPhone FW doesn’t matter but it does as some of the coding is different as well as their is a lot of extra code you don’t need. Also you have to make sure to follow the YouTube video I posted above to the T. Otherwise you will continue to get the same result. That is the true definition of Insanity people. You know that, Right?

  71. Ok i have tried everything. i bought a ipod touch 3g 8gb MC086LL model around april 10th. I have dl the legit 3.1.2 firmware exact filename iPod2,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw. I have added the entry into the hosts file to bypass the apple sig server, I have also tried many different versions of itunes both 8 and 9. I click on my ipod in itunes then hold shift and click restore and choose the 3.1.2 firmware. All I get is the dreaded error 28. If I choose to restore back to 3.1.3 FW, it works fine and the restore process is successful. What I would like to know is can these new ipod touchs released this month be downgraded? After a few hours of testing, My answer is NO. Can anyone else help me?

  72. I don’t know much, but i realised the firmware given is Iphone… i’m assuming that of course wont work for ipod touch users like myself, im trying the ol’ trusty Felix Bruns to get the ipod touch one.

    maybe that’l help.

  73. This DOES work.
    I was very sure it wouldn’t so read this lots of times.
    64Gb 3G iTouch and yes it’s one of the latest models.
    Now back on 3.1.2 (thank you)
    You MUST MUST MUST use the right firmware – oh and I’m using the latest itunes and it worked fine – do the hosts file thing though!
    Thanks again – for those saying it doesn’t work I’d say to you you’re not doing something right.

  74. @ every one who read the instructions and did it the correct way.

    Thank you for taking the time to actually read the comments and do it correctly.

  75. Hey, I had a good read through the comments here. And thought I would just wing it and have a bash at a restore. And it was a great success!

    I was using “32GB Ipod Touch 3G MC Model (3.1.3)”when I initially started, and successfully managed to restore it to (3.1.2)

    – Firstly I downloaded the correct firmware for my IPOD “iPod3,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore” from

    – Placed it into the correct folder “C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates” (Now if you’re using the same Ipod as me, you will find the 3.1.3 recovery file already there. Move it into another folder or desktop. And place the 3.1.2 version in the “software Updates folder”).

    Go into your Firewall settings and “Uncheck” Itunes from the list of programmes, Apply.

    *Now before we get started copy EXACTLY what this video tutorial does*

    After you have done all this, Give your restore a try (Shift+ Click on restore). This is what I did and it worked perfectly. I even had the first errors as you guy’s did, Some of my methods may be far fetched, But I promise you I got this to work!

  76. For some proof that this did work for me,
    Screenshot of Itunes After my successfull restore. *Note the serial number ends in “6K2” that tells you it’s the 32Gb 3RD GEN MC model.

    Picture of using the Ipod Screencapture feature,

    *On a final note, I haven’t Jailbroke on THIS Ipod before, but have done on my old 2G model, So it did NOT save on cydia. So this little “Guide” should work for the same Ipod users as mine.*

    Good luck guys.

  77. Don’t think is works for itouch which comes installed with 3.1.3. I have done everything exactly right and continue to get error 28 when preparing.8gig 2g touch 3.1.3

  78. @OLLIE

    I´ve tried to downgrade my “IPOD TOUCH 3.1.3 MC-Model 32GB” since a week.


  79. This method does not work for the Second Generation 8GB Ipods anymore. This is because Apple has stopped signing off on the second generation 3.1.2 firmware. I will repeat SECOND GENERATION 3.1.2 firmware. Also, The host file fix only works if you have previously backed up your SHSH file to Cydia. If you watch closely the recovery process doesn’t error until right after the third verification with Apple during the restore process. As soon as Apple verifies the firmware for a third time, It then begins to load the new firmware onto the Ipod. And for this reason, the recovery process fails here with an error 28 because Apple is not approving this firmware anymore. I hope this helps anyone who is trying to downgrade a Second Gen Ipod like me. Sorry guys I guess we will just have to wait for a 3.1.3 jailbreak :(

  80. @TOM- dud you are wrong read the post man most the people who have had success with no problems are the 2nd gen owners. Read through the posts before you comment. So as I have said before and so have others follow each and every step to the ‘T’ and you will have a successful downgrade. So next time you wanna sound smart do your research. Apple stopped signing off on ‘ALL’ downgrades, no matter what the model, if you have upgraded to 3.1.3. This is public knowledge that can be found on their website, hence the reason for the rerouting entry you have to make.

  81. If I am so wrong then i would like to hear from someone who has successfully downgraded a second gen Ipod 8GB MC model that came with 3.1.3 pre-installed down to 3.1.2 firmware without errors.

  82. @TOM Uhm, gee I think you have answered your own problem good sir. You have a iPod 8GB MC, which makes it technically a third gen Touch. I know every one say it is a 2G but as far as it knows it is a 3G. So like I said prior DL the proper FW (i.e. 3G [3.1.2/7811D]) and then follow the steps above.

  83. Ok just tried it with both Itunes 9 and Itunes 8. Third Generation 3.1.2 firmware incompatible for your device. I really don’t know why this keeps failing I’m following your guys directions to the T. I am not the only one that keeps getting this Error 28.

  84. im getting ipod touch and will try this method + host thing. just one question to those with error 28. can u revert back to 3.1.3 for normal use if u get error 28 or does the ipod get bricked (ie cant be used at all ) ?????

  85. Hey, ive been doing everything perfectly, tryed every itouch 3.1.2 fw, tryed itunes 8/9 multiple times and failed. My ipod was previously jb but i was supposed to return my ipod to the store so i reset to factory settings, and when i plugged into itunes, i was automatically restored to 3.1.3!! I have a 32 gb MC model 3rd gen itouch, i need some help!!!! If you can actually help, email me at [email protected]

  86. Anyone who has the error 28 problem. Good News, The “Spirit” jailbreak from Dev team is set to release tomorrow when the new ipad3G hits the stores. This is a jailbreak only for stock 3.1.3 IDevices and is untethered unlike blackra1n. This info came from RedmondPie News. We can only hope that this is true especially for the select few of us who are unable to downgrade.

  87. my only suggestion that im trying is to either upgrade your itunes, or downgrade it to an earlier version. Im going to try this hope it helps

  88. This doesn’t work anymore, I tried this 5 hours straight and the only thing it did was pi$$ me off. Maybe you guys can find a new way to change the softwares.

  89. Good news “Spirit” will be released soon so back up your SHSH blobs for your idevices especially for non-jailbroken ppl and firmware 3.1.3. There are instructions on how to do this found on this site. We should be seeing “Spirit” very soon. :D

  90. @Ollie
    I did everything you stated, except placing the recovery file into the itunes folder since I apparently do not have any of those folder, and it still gave me the same result – “not compatible with the restore”.
    I’m using the same ipod as you, 3G 32Gig MC model with 3.1.3 preinstalled, so no SHSH file on cydia.

  91. Spirit it out now. Won’t post the link as most sites such as this don’t like you to but it is out there.
    3.1.3 untethered. :)

  92. Spirit doesn’t work with 3G iPod Touches. I tried it and it says it has jailbroken, and Cydia is on your ipod, but it’s actually not jailbroken. You can have themes and stuff in cydia, but no apps that you downloaded on the computer can be synced.

  93. @AMAN you have to download Appsync from cydia. Search google for AppSync and you will find instructions. Hope this helps

  94. Go to download spirit and thats all you have to do to jailbreak ipod touch 1g,2g and 3g(32gb and 64gb).

    mines ipod touch 3g 32gb Mc model. i jailbroke it with spirit!

  95. I also have a iPod 2G MC with 3.1.3, which I tried to jailbreak with Spirit, and it seemed to work, but now Cydia crashes after a few seconds (It worked OK till I did one of the updates Cydia asked me to do)

    I was thinking about downgrading to 3.1.2 and jb with blackra1n again, but my question is, how can I backup all my apps data before downgrading and then how can I restore that data after the downgrade?


  96. The jailbreak for firmware 3.1.3 is called spirit. Google it, it gives you step by step instructions. Super easy, i am using it right now

  97. The downgrade worked like a charm, I just backed up, downgraded and restored from the backup.
    Spirit doesn’t work for iPod MC with 3.1.3

  98. Spirit is the best ipod touch jailbreak.
    it works for every ipod touck/iphone.
    it is untethered.
    but if your ipod already is jailbroken.
    u need to remove the jailbreak.

    Its just Perfectly

  99. Ive been working on this for a few hours already..
    for those of you who are using ipod touch 2G you dont actually
    have to downgrade to 3.1.2. (i tried to do so but it wont allow me), have you all tried spiritjb? google it. works for me. hope it works for you too.

  100. this worked for mine which is a 3gen 8gigs aqnd i had blackrain on it then it works the video has a weird kid though

  101. wereadcommentsproperly

    cant downgrade to 3.1.2 if u bought ur ipod with 3.1.3 pre-installed zzz

  102. I have been doing everything perfectly, tryed every itouch 3.1.2 fw, tryed itunes 8/9 multiple times and failed. My ipod was previously jb but i was supposed to return my ipod to the store so i reset to factory settings, and when i plugged into itunes, i was automatically restored to 3.1.3!!

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