How to Change Laptop Lid Setting on Windows 10

For most Windows laptop users, the open and close laptop lid setting defaults to screen lock to prevent loss of data as well as protect users from misuse especially when the laptop is provided by company or part of your work domain. Although, you can always change and modify what action should Windows 10 do when you close the laptop lid while it’s in use. Unfortunately for some Windows 10 users, this setting tends to fail, or many users are unaware of how do they can modify on Windows 10.

For those users, here is a guide on how to modify and change laptop lid setting for Windows 10.

Modify Laptop Lid Setting on Windows 10

  1. Sleep when closing laptop lid
  2. Hibernate laptop when closing lid
  3. Shutdown Windows 10 when closing laptop lid
  4. Do nothing when closing laptop lid

Put Laptop in Sleep Mode When Closing laptop Lid

In case your laptop performs a different action when you close your laptop and would like to change to screen lock action then follow the below steps. Before proceeding you must make sure to have your Windows account password protected so as no one else can access your laptop while its screen locked.

  1. Open Setting menus from your start screen or press win+i keyboard shortcut to open Windows Settings.
  2. Now type “Power & Sleep Settings”
  3. On the right side you will find ‘Additional Power Settings” under related settings. Click on that option.
  4. At the left navigation links, select “Choose what closing lid does”
  5. Here you will find an option to set the desired action, make sure you select the correct option for on battery and plugged in.
  6. Select Sleep Mode for both the options
  7. Now hit Save Changes button.
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The sleep mode is energy efficient options and best suitable for laptop like devices where you have to save your battery power. The even better option would be to go for hibernation or shutdown.

Put Laptop in Hibernation Mode When Closing laptop Lid

  1. Follow till step 4 mentioned above
  2. Now in When I close the lid select Hibernate for on battery and plugged in mode.

The hibernate option would save more energy compared to sleep mode but will only be useful when you tend to leave your desktop or workplace for a long period and do not require to use laptop immediately.

Shutdown laptop when closing the lid

  1. Follow till step 4
  2. Now under when I close the lid select Shut Down option and hit save changes button.

Do nothing When you close the laptop lid

This setting is for those laptop users who often tends to close laptop lid accidentally or always want their laptop ready for the use. the steps are same as above the only change will be selecting “Do Nothing” under when I close the lid as shown in below screenshot. Do keep in mind, you may find your laptop turned off due to battery drain if you opt for this mode and forget to shut down during the night or when you are away for long hours.

Here is the alternate and fastest way to access power options on your laptop.

  1. Press win+r keyboard shortcut and type powercfg.cpl at the run command.

This will instantly take you to power options. You can also create a desktop shortcut to access power options in case if you tend to modify your laptop lid setting very often.

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Right click on the desktop -> New -> Create new shortcut

Now enter “powercfg.cpl” and press next.

Just like laptop lid setting, Windows 10 also offers a way to customize your laptop settings for the power button, you can choose from sleep, shutdown, hibernate or display off. You must evaluate and weigh in your battery life while changing laptop lid settings on Windows 10.



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