How To Customize The Charms Bar in Windows 8/8.1 PC

Charms bar is one of the unique features of Windows 8 and 8.1 versions. It is a hidden sidebar, which brings some of the important options and settings of the computer. It can be accessed by either moving your mouse cursor to the right side of the window or by pressing the “Win key + C” on your keyboard. Basically, Charms bar will have five different options, Search, Share, Start, Devices and Settings. Each one of them will be very helpful and bring many useful options more handy. Instead of having the same regular look of the Charms bar, you can customize it using Windows 8.1 Charms Bar Customizer. Here’s how to do it.


Windows 8.1 Charms Bar customizer is a freeware from door2windows. They have many useful Windows apps in their website and Charms Bar Customizer is one of them. It is a portable application, so you need to install anything on your PC. Once you download and open the app, it will extract the tool and give you the executable file. Click that .exe file to open the application. As soon as you open the app, you will see a window as shown in the screenshot above.  There will be two columns of icons. You can make changes in the first column and restore the default icons using the second one.


The app lets you change all the five icons in the charms bar. All you have to do is, just double click on the icon you need to change, locate the image file in your PC and click “Save” to change the icon. You can download your favorite icons using Google and change them in your Charms bar in just a snap. Also, you can set any type of image as an icon in the Charms bar with the help of this app. So, it will give a new look  from the old boring interface of the Charms bar. As soon as you set your favorite icons, click the “Change” button below to apply the changes.

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If you feel like returning to the default icons, go to the app and click the “Restore” button under the second column, all the changes you’ve made will be reset. When I was testing the app today morning, it was crashed a couple of times and with the help of task manager in Windows, I closed the application and rebooted it. So, you can follow the same, if it happens when you are changing the icons. It is an excellent app for people who love to customize their Windows machine. Try this app on your Windows 8/8.1 PC and share your experience with us in the comments. Thanks for reading, do share this post with your friends.

Download Windows 8.1 Charms Bar Customizer



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