Best Tips for Creating a Coming Soon Landing Page

Creating a new website for your business is exciting. But when you’re optimizing your website following on-page optimization tips or making certain changes on it, you need to set up a coming soon page.

In this article, you will find out the ways to make a great coming soon page. Not only will you learn about the importance of countdown timers, but you will also discover how to make your coming soon landing page eye-catching.

What Is a Coming Soon Page?

You can think of a coming soon page like an ‘under construction’ sign commonly seen on walkways. Its purpose is to inform visitors the site is still being designed. They are primarily used for new websites that are being built, as well as existing websites that are being edited.

Regardless of the reason, it is important to always use a coming soon page; otherwise, your visitors will see a half-complete website. And that’s no way to make a first impression, right?

What Do You Say On a Coming Soon Page?

Coming soon pages are typically short and do not have much content; however, be sure to include the name of your website and a website coming soon message.

5 Tips on Creating the Best Coming Soon Landing Page

1. Add a Countdown Timer

Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by a coming soon message? Only to realize there is no countdown timer to give you something to look forward to.

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If you want visitors to return to your website, it is important to add a countdown timer; otherwise, they won’t even remember your brand! Also, a countdown timer is great for ensuring you stick to deadlines. You can not promise your visitors a launch date and then miss the deadline, right?

2. Tell People What to Expect

While surprising people may work in the real world, the opposite is true when it comes to digital marketing. If people do not know what your website is about, how can you expect them to be excited about the launch date?

But how do you write a good coming soon page? First, it is recommended to add a short paragraph explaining your website’s main benefit. For example, if you are creating a site that sells courses on how to become a better speaker, then briefly mention the benefits on the coming soon page. Also, do not forget to mention what makes your website better than your competitors’ ones.

3. Don’t Make It Boring

Brands and influencers are getting more and more creative with their content. Back in the day, throwing up a basic coming soon page was enough. However, those days are long gone.

Nowadays, you need to catch people’s attention if you want to be taken seriously, and your coming soon page is no exception. A great way to make yourself stand out is through videos. More now than ever, people prefer to watch videos rather than text-based reading. While it is important to use both on your coming soon page, a video will give it that extra boost. Another way to stand out is by adding an eye-catching background image. Make it funny, engaging, and emotion-evoking for the best results.

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4. Provide Links to Your Social Media

There is nothing more disappointing than trying to access a website and being presented with a coming soon page; however, you can minimize the sting by providing links to your social media pages. This way, people can still ask questions, even before the website or landing page is live. Rather than just having social media icons, include a small message telling people how to get in touch.

5. A Clear Call to Action

To ensure you are not losing out on potential customers, it is important to add a call to action on your coming soon page. For instance, the call to action can be for visitors to enter their email addresses. This way, you can keep people in the loop when your website becomes live.

It is also worth mentioning that your call to action should be the page’s main focus. There is no point putting a small email signup bar in the corner, as people won’t even notice it.


Creating a landing page for your soon-to-be website requires more than just the basics. If you want to get off to a good start, you must design it correctly; otherwise, you leave money on the table. Not only that, but a well-designed coming soon page builds trust and authority with your potential customers.



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