Find and Share GIF Images Easily using GIFs for Mac OS X

GIF Images are so popular on the internet and there are plenty of applications available with huge collection of funny GIFs. GIPHY, Tumblr, Reddit, etc., are the popular repository of GIF images on the internet. Recently, I wrote about GIPHY’s add-on for Facebook Messenger, to share GIF images while you chat with your friends. Today I’ve come with a new app called GIFs, which brings a huge collection of GIF images to your Mac OS X. It is an open source application developed by Orta and the entire code is available on GitHub.


GIFs is free to download from the Mac App Store. After you complete the installation, you will see a window as shown in the screenshot above. The left panel contains all the categories and options of the application. The collection of GIFs in the selected category will be available on the right panel. The selected GIF images will be played in the middle of the window.


Reddit and Tumblr are the sources of GIF images in the application. You can see the list of categories from Reddit and Tumblr in the left panel. Using the “+” button at the top of the window, you can add any category from Reddit or Tumblr to add it your own collection of GIF images. So, it will act as a GIF bookmarking tool for your Mac. The search bar at the top will let you quickly find GIF images for a particular keyword.


To quickly access your favorite GIFs, click the “Star” icon at the bottom of the GIF images. All the Starred GIFs will be available under the Starred Section in the left panel. The Settings of the app will be available on the top menu bar. It contains all the basic options and helps you access the recently played GIF images on the application. Also, right click on the GIF image to copy, download and share the images in different applications.

RELATED:  Convert .PCD (Kodak Photo CD) Images to .JPEG Files with pcdtojpeg


GIF images are fun and easy to express ourselves during the conversation with our friends. So, if you regularly use GIF images in your conversations, then GIFs is a must have app on your Mac. What do you think about the app? Let us know in the comments. Thanks for reading, do share this post with your friends.

Download GIFs for Mac OS X



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