#################################################### ## Windows 7 Configuration file Created by Sandip ## ## WWW.BLOGSDNA.COM ## #################################################### ######################################################################## ## To Uncomment any line just remove ## infront of that line ## ######################################################################## config.version = "8" virtualHW.version = "4" uuid.location = "56 4d a5 19 38 26 f0 f2-05 08 3a cf 38 0a 62 84" uuid.bios = "56 4d a5 19 38 26 f0 f2-05 08 3a cf 38 0a 62 84" uuid.action = "create" checkpoint.vmState = "" displayName = "Windows 7" annotation = "" guestinfo.vmware.product.long = "" guestinfo.vmware.product.url = "http://dcgrendel.be/vmbuilder/" guestOS = "winxppro" autostart = "none" autostop = "poweroff" numvcpus = "1" memsize = "1024" paevm = "TRUE" sched.mem.pshare.enable = "TRUE" MemAllowAutoScaleDown = "FALSE" MemTrimRate = "-1" nvram = "nvram" mks.enable3d = "FALSE" vmmouse.present = "TRUE" tools.syncTime = "FALSE" tools.remindinstall = "TRUE" isolation.tools.hgfs.disable = "FALSE" isolation.tools.dnd.disable = "FALSE" isolation.tools.copy.enable = "TRUE" isolation.tools.paste.enabled = "TRUE" gui.restricted = "FALSE" ethernet0.present = "TRUE" ethernet0.connectionType = "nat" ethernet0.virtualdev = "vlance" ethernet0.addressType = "generated" ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:0a:62:84" ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0" usb.present = "TRUE" usb.generic.autoconnect = "FALSE" sound.present = "TRUE" sound.virtualdev = "es1371" ide0:0.present = "TRUE" ide0:0.fileName = "windows7.vmdk" ## Windows7 virtual Drive ide0:0.deviceType = "disk" ide0:0.mode = "persistent" ide0:0.redo = "" ide0:0.writeThrough = "TRUE" ide0:0.startConnected = "TRUE" ######################################## ##loading iso into CD-ROM IMAGE DISK ### ######################################## ide1:0.present = "TRUE" ide1:0.fileName = "windows7.iso" ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-image" ide1:0.autodetect = "TRUE" ide1:0.startConnected = "FALSE" ##ide1:0.present = "TRUE" ##ide1:0.fileName = "auto detect" ##ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw" ##ide1:0.autodetect = "TRUE" ##ide1:0.startConnected = "FALSE" floppy0.present = "TRUE" floppy0.fileName = "Floppy A:" floppy0.startConnected = "FALSE" parallel0.present = "TRUE" parallel0.fileName = "LPT1" parallel0.bidirectional = "TRUE" virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted" tools.upgrade.policy = "manual" usb.autoConnect.device0 = "" ########################## ##### Shared Folders ##### ########################## ##sharedFolder0.enabled = "TRUE" ##sharedFolder0.present = "TRUE" ##sharedFolder0.writeAccess = "TRUE" ##sharedFolder0.readAccess = "TRUE" ##sharedFolder0.hostPath = "F:\" ##sharedFolder0.guestName = "D" ##sharedFolder0.eXpiration = "never" ##sharedFolder.maxNum = "1"