Convert BIN to ISO with Portable WinBin2Iso

ISO Image File

Often we get software and OS in the form of ISO and BIN file format. ISO is the most popular format among software pirates since you can instantly burn on CD or DVD dics or mount as drive. Similarly bin is normally an extension used by a CD image file. CD image itself is a “snapshot” of a CD disc that can contain virtually anything — a software, a VCD movie, an SVCD movie, a game etc.

You may sometime want to convert BIN files to ISO format and Demon Tools or PowerISO like software only allows you to convert files less than 500MB in their free version.   Here is portable free application WINBin2Iso which is extremely light weight app to convert BIN to ISO.

WinBin2Iso can convert BIN CD images to ISO images, even files over 2GB are also no problem. You can also carry WinBin2Iso in USB flash drive.

Portable WinBin2Iso BIN to ISO Converter


Download WinBin2Iso to Convert BIN files to ISO format.

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