3 Secrets for Managing App Store Rating and Reviews

Today, customers have more power than ever before. Businesses that fail to study their changing needs are doomed. Companies are increasingly customer-centric. Online feedback is a crucial source of information for manufacturers, providers, and developers. Even apps are now perceived as products that must meet the needs of the target audience.

Online ratings are vital for any business. For developers, reviews in app stores are a treasure trove of insights. They affect the perception of potential customers and active users, which translates into the number of downloads and the size of profits. Automated systems like Appfollow optimize review management. As most consumers read reviews before downloading an app, this is paramount.

App Store Ratings and Reviews


Reviews as Game-changer

Today, online feedback is how customers give validation to business ideas. Positive reviews reinforce your reputation, while criticism may tarnish it. In the development of apps, comments could be more important than in any other industry. They affect the number of downloads and the visibility of a particular title in the respective app store. The lower it is — the less likely users are to see it in their search results.

Criticism Is More Salient

In general, humans are more likely to leave a grievance than praise. Thus, do not expect all reviews to be favorable. Even the best apps are criticized at least occasionally. When users face a problem, even a minor one, they will log in and leave a complaint. Meanwhile, there could be thousands of satisfied users who are simply too lazy to jot down a five-star review.

The outcome we see may create a wrong impression, deterring potential customers. Would you download an app with scathing comments at the top of the list? This makes review management complicated. Apps store ratings and reviews must be handled wisely. This article will provide three key tips that boost your ranking.

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App developers must pay close attention to the feedback their products generate. If you want more downloads, engagement is key. The more praise you get — the more potential customers will hit the ‘Install’ button. These simple ideas will guide your review management efforts in the right direction.

1. Generate In-app User Feedback

Aside from responding to negative comments, prevent those grievances from appearing in the first place. Prevention is better (and cheaper) than cure. To achieve the goal, provide users with another channel for feedback — inside the app. Give them an opportunity to reach out to you directly.

In-app feedback will prompt them to express dissatisfaction directly before making it public. On the other hand, it gives you an open channel for communication with the audience, so you can analyze feedback and take action promptly. Let’s see how you can gather feedback this way.

What It Looks Like

Begin with your app or site. Include contact forms or surveys in a strategic location — one that is easy to spot. Users are more likely to leave comments there, rather than rating in the app store. This channel is perceived as more direct and therefore (potentially) more effective for resolution.

Consider the following tools, but do not go to extremes. Your users should not be bothered by constant requests for feedback. Otherwise, your measures will backfire.

  • In-app feedback forms
  • In-app surveys
  • ‘Contact us’ forms
  • Shake-to-send feedback
  • Chat widgets

2. Discover App Review Plugin

This tool facilitates the provision of feedback. Today, there are multiple solutions to consider. For example, WP Review, WP Product Review Lite, Appirater. These allow users to send their feedback more easily.

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Whichever system you implement, make sure your requests are timely. Feedback prompts that appear too soon cause frustration. Make sure users have enough time to test your app and gain the experience they can describe. Bad timing is not a minor issue — it could undermine the entire effort and result in negative comments.

3. Do Not Ignore the Feedback

Perceive every review as an opportunity to improve your product and expand the clientele. Keep a constant check on feedback. At the very least, reply to the most important comments. Automated review management software will save you a lot of time.

Negative opinions require special attention. Acknowledge the users’ feelings, apologize and fix the problems if they are truly your fault. Be respectful and empathetic. Remember, positive reviews also require a response. Express your gratitude and assure the authors that your app will live up to their expectations in the future.

Any reviewer wants to be heard out. Show that your company cares about their opinion. Being responsive is not just about reacting to criticism. Show that you are really listening to what the customers have to say and that their opinions make a difference.

Responsive feedback is a hallmark of excellent customer service. It goes a long way, boosting the success of any product or service. Customer engagement should be fostered.

Finally, some of the reviews may contain valuable advice, suggestions, or help requests. These insights are helpful, as they allow you to make the app better suited to the audience’s expectations. As you improve the app, its rating will also get better, and more people will be willing to install and use it.

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Final Words

No business can afford to ignore their clients. App developers should keep a close eye on feedback to make the product better and more popular. The tips above are absolutely crucial for review management in 2021. They will help you improve your brand image and boost loyalty. These are universal laws that work in any industry 100% of the time.

Acknowledge the importance of every review, whether it is positive or negative. Not only does it affect the visibility and number of downloads for your app. Feedback has an impact on brand reputation overall, so ignoring it is the worst mistake you could make.

Encouraging users to leave feedback is not a simple endeavor, and it is a continuous process. Fortunately, companies may now use advanced automatic software to speed up and streamline their responses. Whichever system you pick, these three essential tricks will help you generate favorable feedback and turn critics into fans.



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