Fix Twitch Error 4000 [9 Working Solutions]

Twitch is the biggest and most popular video game streaming platform in the world. Launched back in June of 2011, the platform is owned by Twitch Interactive, Inc., which is a subsidiary of Amazon. Millions of people hop on to Twitch every day to watch their favorite streamers stream. But various users have reported errors while trying to watch a live stream. One of the more commonly known issues is the error code 4000, where an error message pops up that reads “Media resource format not supported.”

Twitch users periodically encounter problems while watching broadcasts. Not surprisingly, the platform simultaneously serves thousands of streams and millions of viewers. The frequency of Twitch site updates directly affects the number and rate of problems. It is also worth considering the individual factor because, in most cases, the leading cause of all issues is an error on the users’ side.

One of the most common error that most Twitch users encounter frequently is twitch error code 4000? the error code might be displayed with one of the following message,

Twitch #4000 Error Code

  • Twitch machine got unplugged error 400
  • twitch error 4000 resource format not supported
  • video is unavailable error 400
  • media error 4000

Continue reading to know how to fix twitch 4000 error code in any browser.

Fix Twitch Error Code 4000 In Your Browser

1. DNS Flush

DNS flushing usually fixes any issues while streaming Twitch and doesn’t even disconnect you from the internet at any point.

  1. At first, click the Start button and type “cmd.”
  2. After that, right-click on Command Prompt.
  3. Then, click on “Run as administrator” from the list of options.
    Windows Search Command Prompt
  4. In the new Command Prompt window, type “ipconfig/flushdns” and press Enter.
  5. Once finished, close the Command Prompt window.
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2. Open A New Browser Tab and Retry

Sometimes opening a new tab or restarting your browser helps with streaming websites like Twitch. So, try loading Twitch in a different tab or close and open your browser again, and then try. Hopefully doing that will fix your issue. But if it doesn’t, try loading Twitch in a different Browser.

3. Try Setting Your Current Audio Device As Your Default

If you have multiple external audio devices connected to your computer, you may encounter the same problem. To fix it, you need to set one of your audio output devices (your current one) as your default device.

  1. Right-click on the Sound icon on the taskbar and click on “Open Sound settings” from the options.
    open sound settings
  2. That opens up a Settings window. Scroll down and find “Sound Control Panel.” Click on it.
  3. After that, click on your desired audio output device to select it. At the bottom of the Sound window, click “Set Default” or click the arrow beside it and select “Default Device.” Also, you can right-click on your desired audio device and click “Set as Default Device” to set it that way.
  4. Click on Apply and OK.

4. Use VPN

Many Twitch problems occur due to ISPs throttling or in sporadic cases, just straight-up blocking Twitch. Also, some ISPs have really bad routing to Twitch’s servers. So, using a good VPN might be the key to eliminating the issue. The VPN should mask your internet traffic from your ISP and let Twitch load. But, if the issue only happens when you’re connected to a VPN or a proxy server, try disconnecting from it. And then try opening Twitch.

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5. Enable Hardware Acceleration

Some media formats require hardware acceleration to play correctly. So if your browser has it disabled, enable it.

  1. We are using Google Chrome as our browser. Click on the three-dot menu (?) in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on Settings from the list of options.
    Open chrome settings
  3. Scroll down and click on ‘Advanced.’
    Advanced option setting in chrome
  4. Toggle on “Use hardware acceleration when available” and relaunch Google Chrome.
    Disable Chrome Hardware Acceleration

6. Try Changing The Autoplay Options

Google Chrome has a feature where it lets streaming websites play audio or video automatically without any user gesture. Although pretty handy, this feature may cause issues while watching live streams on Twitch. Especially if you are on an old version of Chrome.

  1. Open up Chrome from your desktop.
  2. In the URL section, type “chrome://flags/.” After that, press Enter.
  3. Then, click on “Search flags” and type in “Autoplay Policy.” If you can’t find anything, then your browser is already updated, and you don’t need to worry about it.
  4. When you find it, click on it, and from the dropdown menu, click “Document user activation is required.”
  5. At last, open Twitch to see if the problem persists.

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7. Try Updating Your Browser

Keeping your web browser updated always is a good practice as it tends to fix older bugs, glitches, security vulnerabilities, and a lot more. If you

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8. Close Any Other Application That Is Playing Audio

If applications like Spotify and others are playing audio in the background, that can interfere with Twitch. So, close that and then try loading Twitch.

9. Clear Browser Cookies And Cache Data

Note that this method will log you out from most, if not, all the websites. If staying logged in on various different websites is essential to you, avoid this method.

  1. At first, go to Advanced settings of the Google Chrome browser as instructed above.
  2. Go to the “Privacy and security” section. Select “Clear browsing data.”
    Chrome clear browsing history
  3. Check everything and click on “Clear data.”

Looking for best laptop for twitch streaming ? Then here is the best laptop for Twitch streaming buying guide.



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