
OpenAL – What is it? and How to Download

What is OpenAL?

OpenAL Logo

OpenAL stands for Open Audio Library but it is actually a non-open source Application Programming Interface used to Render three-dimensional multichannel audio. This API is mostly used in the game and other audio application development using simulation techniques to add realism by adding attenuations, material densities, and Doppler effect. This platform is focused to become an open-source API network and eliminate the traditional 3d audio systems such as A3D and EAX.

How do OpenAL works?

The general operation of OpenAL is combined into three mediums listener, source object and buffer. The source object defines the position, velocity and direction of the sounds pointing toward the buffer. The listener object includes the position, velocity and listener directions. Buffers have the audio data stored in PCM format in either stereo or mono channels. Then further, the rendering is done by the dedicated rendering engine to do all the required calculations like attenuation, doppler effects etc.

The output is the sound behaving naturally as the user moves in the 3d world or space in the virtual world. The OpenAL specifications include two sections of API. First one is the core which consists the real OpenAL function calls. And the second one is Audio Library Context ALC API which is used for the rendering purposes. Just like OpenGL’s GLUT, OpenAL also has Audio Library Utility ToolKit (OpenAL ALUT) by which it gives higher levels of convenient functions to the developers.

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Learn about RealTek HD Audio Manager and how to fix RealTek Manager not opening or not detecting headphones.

How to use OpenAL (openal32.dll)?

Besides its highly functional features and easy implementation, OpenAL is not a highly recommended API and software. Below are some easy steps to utilize the basic functions of OpenAL.

  1. Download OpenAL

The first step you have to do is to download the OpenAL framework and install it. You can get the official website of OpenAL and download appropriate SDK file according to your operating system i.e. Windows or MacOS. For the Linux operating system, you have to open the terminal window and utilize CVS to download the appropriate files. The CVS commands for Linux OS are listed below.

cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/usr/local/cvs-repository login

(use password “guest”)

cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/usr/local/cvs-repository co openal

  1. Read the OpenAL Programmers Guide

Read the instruction and the list and details of every command to perform the appropriate installation process of API. You can get the required information by just seeing the topic covering certain solutions. You can get the detailed Programmer guide by going to the link below.


  1. Setup the Project

According to the operating system you are using, you have to set up the project using different Frameworks and setup software.


You can use CodeWarrior for setting up on windows to perform the required operations with OpenAL. The command instructions and codes are given in the programmer guide too.


You can start a new project using Project Builder. You have to add these frameworks after creating the new project.

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You can search for them in the System>Library>Framework to find out these frameworks. You can then place the wave audio files into the directory location to make them easily locatable.

  1. Compile and Test

After doing all the necessary coding and implementations, its time to compile the program to check whether it is working or not. If you are looking to compile the program from compile line in MacOS then you can use this command line from the terminal.

g++ -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT -framework OpenAL -framework Foundation -Wall -o openal-demo openal.cpp

OpenAL for Gamers

is OpenAL virus? Should I Remove OpenAL?

No OpenAL is not the virus. OpenAL software seems to be useless in our pc but it not really useless for us. It might be helpful for you if you play games and other audio software in your system. OpenAL provides the feature of 3d realism audio to improve the audio experience during the gameplay in many popular games.

OpenAL has no negative effect on your system in any possible way. It is just there to provide you a good audio experience. It consumes very less storage in your system so it totally depends upon you that you want this software in your pc or not.

If you made the decision to remove OpenAL from your pc then you can do it by going to Control Panel>Uninstall a Program>OpenAL>Uninstall.

How to Download OpenAL Driver for Windows 10?

OpenAL comes officially in some systems which come along with dedicated graphics cards. If you somehow deleted this tool or wants to know the ways to download this then below is the link of the official download page of OpenAL software.


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Using above link you can download OpenAl Windows Installer as well as OpenAl 1.1 Core SDK.

How to Update OpenAL driver for Windows 10?

If you are facing any issues with the audio while using OpenAL then you will need to check for the outdated drivers. To update the latest version of OpenAL then you will have to go the control panel and uninstall the existing program. Then you can download the latest version by going to the official website of OpenAL and start using its latest functions easily.

Here the guide to remove sound from video.

Fix unable to initialize OpenAL probable cause: OpenAL not supported

This problem occasionally occurs in Minecraft when we launch it and it comes with no audio issue. Sometimes there is an error message of ‘OpenAL not supported’. The possible and most practical way to solve this problem is given below.

  1. You must get an advanced logger to look up the JAVA files.
  2. Find out the .dll file by going to the location C:\MyGames\Minecraft\profiles\Default\OpenAL64.dll
  3. If you do not find this file there then you have to download OpenAl.dll from 1.13 native libraries and then rename it to OpenAL64.dll.
  4. Drop this file into the same folder from the path given above.

If this method did not work, try reinstalling the openAL software again from the official website.

Fix could not locate OpenAL library Minecraft

Many times Minecraft comes with another type of error with a screen telling ‘could not locate OpenAL library’. The possible reason for this problem is that the audio library from the buffer to the listener is not getting fetched by the source files.

To get this issue fixed, you have to put both OpenAL32.dll and OpenAL64.dll into the project library. While making the executable jar file, use the Java code given below.

System.setProperty(“org.lwjgl.librarypath”, new File(“natives/windows/”).getAbsolutePath());

Try updating your OpenAL application once you are done with this method.




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