Audible Lets You Listen To Audio Books On Windows 8/8.1 Devices

Books are an excellent companion at most of the times. Today we have plenty of ebook readers, tablets and big screen Smartphones are available for comfortable reading. Instead of carrying physical books, you can carry thousands of ebooks in your mobile devices. Apart from ebooks, another digital form of  books is the “Audio Books”. Most of the popular books were available as Audio Books in the market.

One of the world’s largest shopping sites, Amazon has its own service called “Audible”, exclusively for downloading Audio Books. Audible is a separate app similar to Kindle, where you can download Audio books and listen to them on the go.


Audible is available for Android, iOS and for Windows 8 devices. The newly launched app for Windows 8 devices, helps you listen to the audio books on Windows phones, tablets and in your personal computers. Audible is a premium subscription comes with 30-day trial period. You can log in to the app using your existing Amazon account. During that 30-day trial period, you can download any two premium audio books for free. All the audio books you download will be synced to all your devices.


You can download the Audible app from Windows Store using the link below. Once you complete the installation, you will asked to log in to your Amazon account. After filling the details, you will be redirected to the hompage of the application. There you can see the list of popular audio books available under different categories. It takes the advantage of Metro UI and offers horizontal scrolling to browse through the library. As I said before, you can download any two premium books for free from the library.

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All the audio book will be downloaded in very high quality, so it will use a lot of memory on your Windows machine. Since the audio books are quite large in size, choose WiFi instead of mobile network connections to download it. The library in the app has very limited collections and you have to manually search to find your favorite books. To see all the collections, Audible’s website is the best choice. There you have the entire collection of Audio books in different categories.

If you love reading books, but don’t have time in your busy schedule, audio books are worth giving a try. Share your views about Audible in the comments. Thanks for reading, do share this post with your friends.

Download Audible for Windows 8/8.1 Devices 



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