Apple has launched iOS 7 in last september. In iOS 7, Apple has revamped the entire structure of it’s mobile operating system. Initially, It has got mixed reviews from the consumers. But now, The users won’t be able to get back to iOS 6, reason being iOS 7 looks light and better. It increases the efficiency of the hardware. Even if the wallpaper has been changed, It gives entirely a new look to the iPhone due to it’s transparency.
The mobile phone users would need another language while texting the message. For this, The iPhone users no need to change the phone’s language. It can be achieved easily. All they need to do is, They have to add another language for typing in the messages. Follow the instructions to do so.
Step 1:
Go to “Settings”
Step 2:
Tap on “General”
Step 3:
Go to “Keyboard”
Step 4:
Tap on “Keyboards”
Step 5:
Go to “Add New Keyboard”
Step 6:
Choose the new language you want from the list
Step 7:
Go back to “Keyboards” to check the added language
Step 8:
Open “Messages”
Step 9:
Tab on “Globe” icon to cycle through the new languages you added
Now, Start typing with the new language along with the existing languages without changing the system’s language.