Windows 7 Transformation Pack for Windows XP

Windows 7

Early today morning we had reported you about windows 7 RC 1 is expected to come out by end of this February. The eagerness to see windows 7 RC1 is also increasing. This time probably we won’t see windows 7 RC1 as public release.

There is still lot of time for windows 7 final release mean while if you want to experience windows 7 on your Windows XP then here is windows 7 XP transformation pack which will transform your Windows XP to windows 7 like look and feel.

Windows 7 XP transformation pack is developed by one of winmatix user. Check out below screenshots of Windows XP transformed in windows 7 using windows 7-XP transformation pack.

Screenshots of Windows 7 Transformation Pack for Windows XP

Windows 7  XP Transformation Pack

Download Windows 7 Transformation Pack for Windows XP

Please note: Install it at your own risk You must create system restore point and backup all your system files before proceeding for installing this transformation pack. Some antivirus software may report virus please ignore that warning.

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14 thoughts on “Windows 7 Transformation Pack for Windows XP”

  1. why would you want to do this? just download the sodding beta of win7.. if your computer can’t run it then it must be shit.

  2. Is there any kind of harmful effect to be seen after the trans4mation installed? I mean slowing of system or junking memory or virus/threats………????

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