Maximize Images and Videos Using Fullscreen Anything For Chrome

Most of video and image sharing sites have full screen mode. Even some of the Social Networking sites like Facebook, Google+, etc., has a full screen mode for the flexibility of users. To enjoy the full screen mode in all the websites you visit, today I came with a new chrome extension called “Fullscreen Anything”. It is a simple extension for Chrome, which maximizes your screen with just a click. You can see images, videos and play online games in full screen mode using  this extension. Here’s how it works.


You can download Fullscreen Anything extension from the Chrome web store using the link below. Once you complete the installation, you can see the extension icon near to your URL bar. It works across all the web pages and quickly maximizes and restore windows in your browser. Even though we have a default option (F11) in Chrome to switch to the full screen mode, the default option will not maximize a particular image or video in that webpage. For instance, if you open a website and there is a video running in their own video player, you can’t maximize it until you have an option in that.


Fullscreen Anything extension will help you in those cases. No matter which video player or flash player it is, this extension will maximize it. This extension works perfectly with all the video and flash player but sometimes for images you have to open in a new tab and maximize it. In Facebook, only the images in your timeline and profile can be viewed in full screen mode but using this extension you can see any image or video on full screen in Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites.

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Even though some applications have full screen mode, they won’t maximize the images. Only original size of the image will be displayed in full screen mode. Fullscreen Anything extension will maximize the image or video when you view in full screen mode. It offers multitasking by maximizing the video to your browser’s size and lets you browse other tabs in the window. You can use the shortcut Ctrl+Spacebar to toggle between full screen mode and normal mode.


If you work online all the day, it is a must have extension in your chrome browser. Try this app and share your experience with us in the comments. Thanks for reading, do share this post with your friends.

Download Fullscreen Anything for Chrome



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