Proxy servers help us out by providing us access to websites that are blocked in our geographical areas. While there are desktop applications that accomplish this by masking your IP address, browser extensions offer the same functionality in a more user friendly way.
Read on to find out about 3 such convenient proxy server browser extensions for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Proxy Link for YouTube: A Proxy Extension Designed Specifically to Unblock YouTube Videos
For a long time now, YouTube has been blocked in Pakistan by the government. It does not look like the government will be unblocking the site anytime soon. So currently anybody who wants to open YouTube does so through a proxy server. But having a proxy server always on can slow down web browsing. A smarter option to enable the proxy server only on YouTube videos. Here to automate this is an excellent tool called Proxy Link for YouTube.
Proxy Link for YouTube is an excellent browser extension for the Google Chrome web browser. The extension serves solely to have YouTube videos unblocked for its users. The way it accomplishes this is very simple. When a YouTube link is detected to be in Chrome’s address bar, the extension’s icon appear right next to it (see screenshot above). Clicking on the icon opens up the YouTube video through ProxFree. In the extension’s options you can specify which location is used to open the YouTube video. Changing the location also overcomes the rare instances when the extension opens up ProxFree’s homepage instead of the specific video page itself.
You can get Proxy Link for YouTube from over here.
Hide My Ass Web Proxy: Easily open any webpage with the Hide My Ass web proxy
Proxy Link for YouTube is an excellent Chrome extension. But it would be even better if somehow that proxy could be enabled for any blocked website, not just YouTube. The Hide My Ass Web Proxy Chrome extension helps out in this area.
This extension places an easily accessible icon in the top right of the Chrome web browser. Whenever you stumble upon a webpage that you want opened via proxy, click on this icon; this action will open the current URL in the address bar through the Hide My Ass web proxy. And through the extension’s options, users are able to specify precisely which Hide My Ass server is used to connect to the website.
Click here to get the Chrome extension for Hide My Ass Web Proxy.
Stealthy: Enable proxy with the click of a button on Firefox and Chrome
Stealthy is my most favorite tool in this list. There was a time when I used to use Stealthy a lot. The convenience it offers is simply unmatched by any other tool. The tool is basically a browser extension that is compatible with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. After you install this extension, it places a new icon in the top right of the browser, next to the address bar. The icon appears with a red background color. This indicates that it is off. When you click on the icon, it connects to a proxy server and then turns green upon successful connection. You are then able to browse websites through the proxy server easily. The extension’s options provide various options including which server you want to connect to.
The extension’s options let you set exceptions for the proxy. So even when the Stealthy icon turns green, you can set particular websites on which the proxy server settings will automatically be reverted. The PRO version of the extension will cost you 4.99 Euro per month or 44.90 Euro per year. The PRO version lets you specify the country from where you would like to connect to.
To get Stealthy, simply click this link.