What is Activation & How to Activate Windows 7

What is Windows 7 Activation

Activation helps verify that your copy of Windows is genuine and that it has not been used on more computers than the Microsoft Software License Terms allow. In this way, activation helps prevent software counterfeiting. With an activated copy of Windows, you’ll be able to use every feature of Windows.

Activating a Windows 7 installation is in a way registering Windows 7 operating system of yours and making it legal.

Why Activating Windows 7 is important?

All Microsoft operating systems have this feature as well as on Windows 7 editions with different Windows 7 Build ‘s until its RTM release is published.

And windows activation which is not completed in the given period of time disables some Windows features and prevents you to use all properties of your system after the activation period.

Also you may not be able to update your system with the recent product updated from Microsoft.

So to make sure that you can benefit from all the features and enhancements of your Microsoft Windows 7 RC system, give importance to activate Windows7 as early as possible.

How to Activate Windows 7 Manually ?

Activating online is very simple and in case it fails you can try activating through phone. Open Control Panel-> All Control Panel Items-> System and you can see the activation status of your Windows 7 at the bottom.

Click on Activate Windows now link and select “Activate Windows Online Now” option.

System will connect inline and verify your product keys and activate it online, once done you get the confirmation that it is activated.

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In any case online activation fails, you can try activation through phone. Click on Show me other ways to activate and select “Use the Automated Phone System” option in the next step

Select the nearest location using the drop down menu in next step and click the next button.

In the next step you will be provided with a toll free number where you need to call in and enter the installation ID which consist of numbers in sets from 1 to 9. You will get the confirmation ID from the phone system and you will need to enter them in the boxes A-H.

If the activation was successful, you will be shown with a confirmation screen. Once activated, you can check the status in the system information in control panel.

for more information follow official Microsoft Windows 7 Activation FAQ



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150 thoughts on “What is Activation & How to Activate Windows 7”

  1. If somebody could share key with me i’ll be so thankful…
    My e-mail adress:


  2. hi, i would like a key to activate windows 7
    can somebody share with me?

    email: vladimirsasaki(at)gmail.com

    thanks in advance

  3. YOU DONT NEED A PRODUCT KEY YOU TWEENIES. If your concerned about 30 days, then REARM it.

    man I hate 13 year olds.

  4. If somebody could share key with me i’ll be so thankful…
    My e-mail adress:


  5. Alright look… I really really need a product key because In a month my cousin is coming and he really really wants to see windows 7 =(.
    It will expire before it and I am really sad!!
    I’m wondering if anyone could spare me one I would be so grateful and give u anything in return. Just email me with what you need and I seriously do it. I”M DESPARATE FOR A PRODUCT KEY… PLEASE!!!!!!!
    Email: [email protected]

  6. Alright look… I really really need a product key because In a month my cousin is coming and he really really wants to see windows 7 =(.
    It will expire before it and I am really sad!!
    I’m wondering if anyone could spare me one I would be so grateful and give u anything in return. Just email me with what you need and I seriously do it. I”M DESPARATE FOR A PRODUCT KEY… PLEASE!!!!!!!
    Email: [email protected]

  7. the 6801 crack doesn’t work with Windows 7 it dplays the message “Activation was unsecessful” so we have to wait for the 6956 crack to be made so just wait it wont take long

  8. Ciao! sxo possa aiutar qlke d’1 d voi.. ank’io cm voi vorrei provar a valutar le effettive migliorie del Win7.
    Io ho una delle chiavi d Vista Rc1 (ultimate):


    sto donwloadando la beta version d Win7(7000)..
    Sxiam funzioni!!..

    Saludos a tutti!


    ps: k volesse mettersi in contatto cn me qst è il mio indirizzo: [email protected]

  9. Yea, i have build 7000 it says in the crner of my screen can some one please direct me to the proper way to rearm or a key that work for me please i know there out there if you can email me


  10. i have tryed all 15 of those keys and got the key not a valid key error does some have one that will work

  11. i had installed succesfully n i hav da keyz n crack but da prob is dat wen i press change or activate windows using prod key it is showing
    “Windows cannot find ‘C;\windows\\system32\\slui.exe’.Make sure…….”
    so can anyone reply for diz my email id:
    [email protected]

  12. hmm i tried the 1st key for the pre beta 6801
    and it worked for my windows 7 build 7000!!!
    others might try this also

  13. if you want a key then follow me.you must have a msn email

    Step 1 : Logon to http://technet.microsoft.com (click on Sign in in the upper right corner)

    Step 2 : Copy (Don’t CLICK IT!) one of the links below to the address bar and press enter :

    32-Bit key : https://www.microsoft.com/betaexperience/scripts/gcs.aspx?Product=tn-win7-32-ww&LCID=1033 (don’t click, Copy and Paste!)

    64-bit key : https://www.microsoft.com/betaexperience/scripts/gcs.aspx?Product=tn-win7-64-ww&LCID=1033 (don’t click, Copy and Paste!)

    Tip : You can use the 64-bit during a 32-bit installation and a 32-bit key during a 64-bit installation (it seems that getting a 64-bit key is faster!)

    Step 3 : If you receive the error below, just press F5 to refresh (I had to refresh more then 10 times before I received the key), if you’re being redirected then you didn’t follow the steps 1 and 2 correctly!

    If you followed the steps correct you should see your key (depending on your version it could also say Windows 7 Beta 32-bit Product Key ). Have fun!

  14. Hi Resna, you can either use Vista or XP driver, it works for me. Hi Can Anyone provide a new Windows Key the 15 above key doesn’t work…

  15. Quoting:
    “hmm i tried the 1st key for the pre beta 6801
    and it worked for my windows 7 build 7000!!!
    others might try this also”

    Thanks, man, this key worked for my build 7000 too.

  16. hey dudes i was scroling down till i saw this dude say that this “JYDV8-H8VXG-74RPT-6BJPB-X42V4” product key worked for him and it worked for me too!!!!!! windows 7 rools!!!

  17. Hello…..

    I formated my pc with windows 7 beta build 6801 and i tried many cracks with no respond i don’t have internet connection , and can’t activate windows 7 online what i should do??

    please help me…………

  18. lol OMG thats funny you dont have an internet connecction but your making this post like come on for one you can aquire a 30 day key from the windows7 site at microsoft for all you little kids and if you don’t wanna do that the follow the re-arm instructions

    jeeze sakes

    newb’s eh….

  19. JYDV8-H8VXG-74RPT-6BJPB-X42V4- this key works in Windows 7 beta build 7000, thanks to whoever posted it.

  20. I tried the bottom one, 2PHXF-9PBDW-D3WWY-CPDKD-XG87V , and it worked just fine. rock out with your socks out.


    BTW, windows 2008 server works waaay better as a desktop client then windows 7. rockin the dual boot

  21. Rezza elfa spalanzani

    Thanks for your information.,
    Now i can use my windows 7 correctly..

  22. I’ll pay 25 USD to whomever can help me activate Windows 7 build 7137. Please contact info (AT) nutkenz (DOT) net

  23. ===========================================================
    thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank yoooooooooooooooooooooooou for given me a product key to a man/woman who had given me the product key.

    i had activeted WINDOWS 7 ON THE DAY WHEN 03 minutes were left.

    .thanks a lot.

  24. Hi can someone send us a password for windows 7 ultimate product key, my daughter needs to finish her work.

    We appreciate it!!!

  25. Today i had activeted windows 7, product key, i want to know that the key was lifetime or upgradeable.

  26. I Install Windows7 on my pc But I need Sound driver For My 31 GL Mother Board.

  27. i have pre beta will expire in 6 hours. have been enjoying for months. any way to re activate.please i need your help.thanks

  28. thanks a lot.
    after entering the last p.key the machine answered that windows is activated.
    i m really thankful to u.
    lots of love………….

  29. i have ultimate 7 it was genuine , but windows expired on me . it still works but only for 2 hours at a time than it becomes unstable and shuts down. do i need to reinstall 7 beta ?thanks anyone?

  30. thankyou, for giving so much windows 7 product keys.
    thank you very much. My system is now in very Ok condition.

  31. I use Win 7 Ultimate 7000 Beta, but expaired on July 1, Please someone help me, how i can use this version forever??

  32. HI guys, cananyone help me with a valid key for W7 build 6801? i tried all from here an none worked. i’ll be forever gratefull to you. TNX

  33. i have windows 7 ultimate need a key i tride all the keys on here but none work please help.

  34. i have tried as many as i got on net but any of them didnt worked . hhat can i do now?

  35. Mine says cannot find slui.exe please what can i do to rectify this prob? i have just 2 days left.

  36. I installed Windows 7 Ultimate and I can’t get it activated. I tried all the keys on this page but none seems to work. I can’t establish what build I have. It just says WINDOWS 7 Ultimate. My email addy is [email protected]


  38. Yo sup guys, does anyone have an produkt key for windows 7 Ultimate, full version.

    I dont think i need it anywayz because nothing happens if the 30 days gets over, but its annoying to get allways this message to enter the product key.

    Thnx in advance guys. =)

  39. HAHAHAHA your all soo funny like it comes out in like 2 weeks here and guess what i have the full release now signed too and also like do you think microsoft wants 7 too be pirated come on k just go buy at least the upgrade copy and it is cheap and fast and gret

  40. hi, did u get an activation key? because i have the exact same version and was wondering if u can give it to me?

  41. Anna Lorraine Santos

    hello. please i need help regarding my windows7 ultimate. during start-up my desktop turns the background black and im getting windows genuine advantage. before this happened, i can still update my windows. now, i cant do it anymore with popping notifications about windows genuine advantage and activation has expired! HELP. i tried the product keys online but it didnt work. :( i dont know what to do. please send me the real PRODUCT KEY of windows7 ultimate. :( please send it to my email: [email protected]
    your help will be very much appreciated.

  42. Sorry but even if someone let you borrow their key, it will get blocked for multiple activations eventually. 1 Key per computer. Mooching is not a smart idea with a Windows 7 key.

    It is best to get your own genuine Windows 7 key and activate for “only you”.
    There are Windows 7 activation keys here for cheap: http://www.windowskeys.com

    Be careful where you buy keys if it is not Microsoft.com or a retail store. I have bought 3 keys for my 3 computers at WindowsKeys.com and have 0 problems :) Cheers…

  43. tanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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