The kind of hardware today’s smartphones has that it can run virtually any software and operating system. The strength of these smartphones hardware can be noted from Nokia N900 Maemo phone which was hacked to run Mac OS X, Ubuntu Mobile and Android in Dual boot mode.
This is not just with Nokia N900 Phone now all Android phones can also run Windows 3.1. An Android enthusiast by the name of “drraccoon” has managed to install and run Windows 3.1 on his Motorola Droid using aDosBox for Android. aDosBox is a port of DOSBOX on Android, which is basically a X86 emulator with DOS.
Thought there isn’t any benefits you can see by running Windows 3.1 on Android but its ultimate geeky stuff. The complete instructions on how to install and run Windows 3.1 on any Android Phone is up here.
And yea download of Windows 3.1 can be found here.
(Via Msftkichen)